Service single

Testing Standards

POF MTL offers a full array of materials and testing services to support our customers with the information, answers and documentation needed for R&D, material selection, quality control and failure investigations. Destructive test specimens are prepared to standard specifications in our Machine Shop.

POF MTL performs tests in accordance with a variety of Testing Standards including Customer’s specification, federal and military specifications including the world renowned societies such as:

  • American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
  • International organization for Standardization (ISO)
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
  • American Petroleum Institute (API)
  • B.S.S (England)

For inspection and quality control we are certified for:

  • ISO 9001:2008
  • ISO 14001:2004
  • OHSAS 18001:2007
  • ISO 17025:2005

  • YB
  • GB
  • WJ
  • Federal Specifications -QQ
  • Military Standard—MIL-STD
  • Military Specification –MIL
  • French Specification -IU
  • BS-British Standard
  • L, S
  • Defence Standard--DEF-STAN
  • Defence Specifications –DEF
  • Czechoslovak Standard –CS
  • STA
  • VTL
  • DIN
  • VG
  • ANSI
  • IA-Inspection for Paints
  • PS-Pakistan Standard